Favorable Funding Options for your Ventures

You deserve realistic expectations for your time. So let's get it right, here at the very top.

Quick Look into the Process


Discovery and Approach

Here we break the ice & introduce you to your dedicated manager.
Learn about your preferences and goals.
Explain how lenders qualify candidates and what to look for.
Review the funding process & timeline to set the right expectations.


Fundability Assessment & Pre-qualification

This is a questionnaire designed to build out your personal financial composition.
We will then use this information to prospect your loan options.
Develop a report card for your bankability.


Connect with Lenders

Using our financial composition report, we will pitch potential lenders interested in your project.
Once we have matched you with a preferred lender, we will make introductions.
This is an opportunity to learn more about their terms, process, and required documentation needed to move forward.

The Five C's

Lenders each have their own preferences and aligning candidates is both a science and art. Here are the five things they look at within each prospective client's financial composition.







Our process is a flexible framework that adapts, evolves, and responds to your needs. It is the streamlined result of over a decade of business plan development and sourcing funding solutions for our clients.

Important Instructions

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    List of Documentation Needed for Qualification

    1) Last pay stub 2) Last year’s tax return (all pages). If your tax return has not been filed, provide last year W-2's, 1099's, and/or K-1's. 3) Credit report in PDF format only using the website www.creditchecktotal.com

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    If you own 19% interest or more in another, business, we need the following documentation:

    1) Tax Return for the last three years 2) Current Interim Profit & Loss Statement for any period not covered by last filed tax return 3) Current Balance Sheet and P&L Statement from above. 4) Schedule of Business Debt (must tie back to the Balance sheet, #3 above